Monday, January 12, 2015

January 14

Please preview the vocabulary for chapter 2.

Vocabulary--Chapter 2 "The Fire"
solicitous showing care, attention, or concern.
panorama a picture unrolled before the spectator in such a way as to give the impression of a continuous view.
fission fragments fragments resulting from the splitting of an atom's nucleus.
papier-mache suitcase a carrying case made of a hardened mixture of paper pulp, glue, and so on.
breviary a book containing the Psalms, readings, prayers, and so on of the Divine Office.
Molotov flower basket (also bread basket) Japanese name for a self-scattering cluster of bombs.
extricated set free; release or disentangle (from a net, difficulty, and so on).
incapacitated unable to engage in normal activity; disable.
Mercurochrome trademark for a red liquid solution used as a mild antiseptic and germicide.
abrasions and lacerations scrapes and jagged tears or wounds.
porte-cochere a kind of porch roof projecting over a driveway at an entrance, as of a house.
Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
  1. Define the word “conflagration.” Compare the words conflagration and fire.
  2. What is the chapter title’s meaning?
  3. How are the six survivors similar?
Option 1: Please complete the three questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

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