Monday, January 26, 2015

January 30

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

What is the significance of the following quotation? Of what literary philosophy is it an example?
Over everything—up through the wreckage of the city, in gutters, along the riverbanks, tangled among tiles and tin roofing, climbing on charred tree trunks—was a blanket of fresh, vivid, lush, optimistic green; the verdancy rose even from the foundations of ruined houses. Weeds already hid the ashes, and wild flowers were in bloom among the city’s bones. The bomb had not only left the underground organs of the plants intact; it had stimulated them.

Option 1: Please answer the question above in 5 sentences and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please answer the question above in 7 sentences and provide evidence from the text. 

January 29

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

  1. How did Father Kleinsorge minister to the people of Hiroshima after the explosion?
  2. How did Miss Sasaki’s fiancĂ© react to her injuries? Was he justified in his reaction? Why? 
Option 2: Please complete one of the questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

January 28

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

  1. What were the stages of radiation disease?
  2. What were some of the views about the ethics of using the atomic bomb? What was the opinion of each of the following Hersey’s survivors?
    Nakamura – 
    Fujii –
    Dr. Sasaki- 


Option 1: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete one of the questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

January 27

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

Chapter 4: “Panic Grass and Feverfew”
  1. What were some of the symptoms of the mysterious, capricious disease which was called radiation disease?
  2. What were the reactions of those who treated radiation disease and of those afflicted with the disease? 

Option 1: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete one of the questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

January 26--Parent support

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 26

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

  1. What does this quote and the rest of the conversation related to it show about medical priorities in the face of many injuries? “Why have you not come to Asano Park? You are badly needed there.”
    Without even looking up from his work, the doctor said in a tired voice, “This is my station.”

  2. What is the significance of the title of Chapter Three? 

Option 1: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete one of the questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

January 23

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

1.How did Dr. Sasaki deal with the fatalities at the Red Cross Hospital? What does this show of the typical
Japanese way of handling death?

2. How is Mr. Tanimoto’s ministering to Mr. Tanaka a study in contrasts?
Option 1: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete one of the questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

January 22

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

1. What is discovered about Mr. Fukai’s reason for running back into the burning city? 

2. How did Mr. Tanimoto describe the Japanese Emperor’s surrender and notice to the Japanese people?

Option 1: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete one of the questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

January 21

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

1. As you read this chapter, create a list of three to five vivid pictures Hersey creates which you consider to have
the greatest impact. How do these descriptions affect you as the reader?

2. What encouraging news is relayed by the Japanese naval launch? What is disappointing about this news?
Option 1: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete one of the questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 20

Six Survivors of Hiroshima:

Please click the link below to read the stories of the six survivors before and after Hiroshima

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1:Please write 5 sentences comparing two survivors stories. What experiences they share that are similar and different?

Option 2:  Please write 7 sentences comparing two survivors stories. What experiences they share that are similar and different?

Monday, January 12, 2015

January 20--Parent Support

January 19--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

of his SPIRIT and DREAM!!

January 16

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

1. Who is Fukai? How does he react?
2. How are the six survivors different than Kamai, Yoshida, and Fukai? 

Option 1: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete one of the questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

January 15

Please preview the vocabulary for chapter 2.
Vocabulary--Chapter 2 "The Fire" 
Shinto shrine a religious building of the principal religion of Japan, with emphasis upon the worship of nature, ancestors, ancient heroes, and the divinity of the emperor. Prior to 1945, Shinto was the state religion.
brackish having an unpleasant taste; nauseating.
corrugated iron iron sheet formed into a wavy pattern of parallel grooves and ridges.
grotesque characterized by distortions or striking incongruities in appearance, shape, or manner; fantastic, bizarre.
atavistic displaying characteristics of remote ancestors.
ionization the process by which something becomes electrically charged, as a gas under the influence of radiation or electric discharge; here, the smell from such a process.
prostrate lying flat, prone, or supine; in a state of physical exhaustion or weakness.
Occidental a person born in the West or a member of Western culture. Here, Father Kleinsorge is German rather than Japanese.
Grummans military aircrafts made by the American firm Grumman Aircraft Corporation.
vortex a whirling mass of water forming a vacuum at its center into which anything caught in the motion is drawn; whirlpool.
razed to tear down completely; level to the ground, demolish.

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

1. How do these react toward family? 
2. Who is Mrs. Kamai? What adjective would you use to describe her situation?
3. Who is Yoshida? How does he react after the bomb? 

Option 1: Please complete the three questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

January 14

Please preview the vocabulary for chapter 2.

Vocabulary--Chapter 2 "The Fire"
solicitous showing care, attention, or concern.
panorama a picture unrolled before the spectator in such a way as to give the impression of a continuous view.
fission fragments fragments resulting from the splitting of an atom's nucleus.
papier-mache suitcase a carrying case made of a hardened mixture of paper pulp, glue, and so on.
breviary a book containing the Psalms, readings, prayers, and so on of the Divine Office.
Molotov flower basket (also bread basket) Japanese name for a self-scattering cluster of bombs.
extricated set free; release or disentangle (from a net, difficulty, and so on).
incapacitated unable to engage in normal activity; disable.
Mercurochrome trademark for a red liquid solution used as a mild antiseptic and germicide.
abrasions and lacerations scrapes and jagged tears or wounds.
porte-cochere a kind of porch roof projecting over a driveway at an entrance, as of a house.
Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
  1. Define the word “conflagration.” Compare the words conflagration and fire.
  2. What is the chapter title’s meaning?
  3. How are the six survivors similar?
Option 1: Please complete the three questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

Option 2: Please complete the two questions above and provide evidence from the text. 

January 13

Dr. Leo Szilard, 62, is a Hungarian-born physicist who helped persuade President Roosevelt to launch the A-bomb project and who had a major share in it. In 1945, however, he was a key figure among the scientists opposing use of the bomb. Later he turned to biophysics, and this year was awarded the Einstein medal for "outstanding achievement in natural sciences."

Please click the link below to read the interview with Dr. Leo and his feeling and misgivings about the atomic bomb.

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

Option 1: Please provide 5 facts and opinion about the Dr. Leo Szliard's interview.

Option 2: Please provide 5 facts and opinion about the Dr. Leo Szliard's interview.

January 12

Please click and view the 

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: Please compare and contrast the accounts from the video to the information/experiences of the survivors from the novel. 

Option 2: Please compare and contrast the accounts from the video to the information/experiences of the survivors from the novel. 

January 12--Parent Support

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 9

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

Imagine you were living in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb had been dropped. Where would you be? With whom would you be with? What do you think your condition would be? Would you help others if you could? How would you go about help others that have been injured from the bombing?

Option 1: Please answer the questions above while using the text as a source of information. 

Option 2: Please answer the questions above and treat this as a creative writing piece. Use your imagination as inspiration for your answers.  

January 8

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

How are Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura's three children after the explosion?

How badly hurt was Dr. Masakazu Fujii? What happened to him?

Option 1: Please complete both questions using the text to support your answer.

Option 2: Please complete both questions using the text and identify a quote and cite the page to support your answer. 

TASC formerly known as GED


January 7

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

Why did the atomic bomb take the Japanese by surprise?

Why were they not expecting the bomb?

Option 1: Please complete both questions using the text to support your answer.

Option 2: Please complete both questions using the text and identify a quote and cite the page to support your answer. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

1) Describe the geographical situation of Hiroshima at the time the bomb dropped.

2) How was Rev. Tanimoto preparing for the bombing?

Option 1: Please complete both questions using the text to support your answer.

Option 2: Please complete both questions using the text and identify a quote and cite the page to support your answer. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

On what date, at what time, and where was the first atomic bomb set off?

Identify the six survivors about whom the book is written.

Option 1: Please complete both questions using the text to support your answer.

Option 2: Please complete both questions using the text and identify a quote and cite the page to support your answer.

January 5 Co-Op Tech Registration

Please complete the application and 
bring in medical clearance--if needed. 

**Registration for the spring 2015 semester at Co-Op Tech will take place from January 5th through January 22nd, 2015.**

January 5--Parent Support