Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1

Click on the video for all my students who enjoy being read to or learn better by listening. This is the first chapter Of Mice And Men.

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options
Option 1: In 5 sentences, please summarize the first chapter of the novel. Who are the main characters? What is the setting? What conflicts can you foresee? How does the author depict them? What predictions can you make for the following chapter? 

Option 2: Pick two things you like about the novel so far and explain why in 4 sentences. 

Highlights from CVBI

Our student working at GMHC created his own recipe for today's lunch entree--tilapia with orange wedges, tomatoes, and his own secret seasonings.  It was a huge success with the clients at GMHC!! We are so proud of him!!

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