Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 29

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options. This homework was assigned last week but I would like you to do it again to evaluate if you have changed your mind. If so, what lead to the change. And if not, why do you remain true to your original answer?

Option 1:  If you were Guy Montag, what would you do? Would you continue living the life you had before talking to Clarisse? Or do you agree with the changes he is making in his life? Is it easier just to go along with what others are doing? Or is it better to do what you feel is right? Please write 5-7 sentences describing/explaining your views on the actions Guy Montag is taking.

Option 2:  If you were Guy Montag, what would you do? Would you continue living the life you had before talking to Clarisse? Or do you agree with the changes he is making in his life? Is it easier just to go along with what others are doing? Or is it better to do what you feel is right? Please create a list of things you might be feeling as Guy Montag and the changes that are going on in his life. 

May 28

Please click on the link to view the movie-->http://movies2k.eu/2013/09/12/fahrenheit-451-1966/

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: Write 5-7 sentences describing how the movie to different and/or similar to the book. What did the movie leave out? What did the movie add that was not in the book? Was the book better or the movie? Please explain.

Option 2: Please complete the Venn diagram comparing the book to the movie. What did the movie leave out? What did the movie add that was not in the book? Was the book better or the movie? Please explain.

May 27

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
Option 1:  If you were Guy Montag, what would you do? Would you continue living the life you had before talking to Clarisse? Or do you agree with the changes he is making in his life? Is it easier just to go along with what others are doing? Or is it better to do what you feel is right? Please write 5-7 sentences describing/explaining your views on the actions Guy Montag is taking.

Option 2:  If you were Guy Montag, what would you do? Would you continue living the life you had before talking to Clarisse? Or do you agree with the changes he is making in his life? Is it easier just to go along with what others are doing? Or is it better to do what you feel is right? Please create a list of things you might be feeling as Guy Montag and the changes that are going on in his life. 

May 26

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Please conduct a character analysis of Faber. What is his relationship with Guy Montag?How does Faber feels/thinks about himself? What does he think of Guy Montag?
Option 1: Please write 3 sentences for each part of the character analysis.

Option 2: Please list 3 ways she demonstrate each trait indicated on the hand out.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


May 22

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
Option 1:  If you had to memorize a single book or risk its extinction, which book would you choose? Why is this book so important to you? Please write 5 sentences explaining the significance of this book. 

Option 2:  If you had to memorize a single book or risk its extinction, which book would you choose? Why is this book so important to you? Please write 3 sentences explaining the significance of this book. 

May 21

Censorship--the control of the information and ideas circulated within a society. 

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options

Option 1: Please write 5-7 sentences of a time when someone tried to censor you. Have anyone prohibited you from saying or doing something you wanted to do? Do you think that television, newspapers, or magazines do this? Do they decide how you think, behave, and feel? Or do you have control over how you think, behave, or feel? Please explain your answer and thoughts.

Option 2: Please describe a time (in 3-4 sentences) when someone tried to censor you. How did it feel? What did they do? What did you do? Did you fight against it? If so, how? If not, why?

May 20

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: Based on the hand out above and the images of current science fiction movies and video games, please write 5-7 sentences describing and explaining how Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel. What has happened in the novel that has elements of science fiction? When does this book take place? 

Option 2: Based on the hand out above and the images of current science fiction movies and video games, please create a list  describing and explaining how Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel. What has happened in the novel that has elements of science fiction? When does this book take place? 

May 19

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 Options

Option 1: As we approach the second part of the novel, please summarize the 1st part (The Hearth & the Salamander) in 5-7 sentences. Please include the themes in the novel.

Option 2: As we approach the second part of the novel, please summarize the 1st part (The Hearth & the Salamander) by creating a list highlighting the events that occurred in the novel. Please include the themes in the novel.

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Please conduct a character analysis of Mildred. Has she changed from when we were first introduced to her in part 1? What does she represent? How does she represent this? What is her relationship with Guy Montag?
Option 1: Please write 3 sentences for each part of the character analysis.

Option 2: Please list 3 ways she demonstrate each trait indicated on the hand out.

May 18--Parent Support

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 15

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 Options

Option 1: As we approach the second part of the novel, please summarize the 1st part (The Hearth & the Salamander) in 5-7 sentences. Please include the themes in the novel.

Option 2: As we approach the second part of the novel, please summarize the 1st part (The Hearth & the Salamander) by creating a list highlighting the events that occurred in the novel. Please include the themes in the novel.

May 14

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: Please locate the words in the text. HINT: the words are found on the page in the parentheses. Read the sentences surrounding the word and formulate your own definition based the sentence. You may also use technology (dictionary.com) to assist you. 

Option 2: Formulate your own definition and please write one sentence using the new vocabulary word. 

May 13

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options. Please conduct a character analysis using the graphic organizers.

Option 1: Please conduct a character analysis using the graphic organizers of Clarisse McClellan.

Option 2: Please conduct a character analysis using the graphic organizers of Clarisse McClellan and Guy Montag.

May 11

Based on SCANTRON assessments, the challenges we face together in reading is non-fictional text, fictional text, vocabulary and long passages. We will tackle this as a team with the assistance of the objectives suggested by SCANTRON. Some of the objectives we will accomplish during our readers' circle are:

1) identify the main character and supporting characters

2) predict outcomes
3) differentiate between fact and opinion
4) analyze characters

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: In one paragraph, please write 5-7 sentences about Clarisse and Guy Montag's relationship. How does Clarisse feel about Guy? And how does Guy feel about Clarisse? 

Option 2: Please create a list of adjectives describing Clarisse and Guy Montag's relationship.

May 11--Parent Support

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 8

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options. Please complete a character map of one of the characters we have been introduced to in Fahrenheit 451. 

Option 1: 

Option 2: 

May 7

Homework: Complete 1 of 2 options

Option 1: Please compare and contrast the 1950s to 2014. How is life different? Are there things that are still the same? If so, what? 

Option 2: Please compare and contrast the 1950s to 2014. How is life different? Are there things that are still the same? If so, what? Please complete the graphic organizer below with your ideas. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 5

Homework: Please read along with the audiobook & complete the graphic organizer. With the completion of the graphic organizers, we will start writing in class. This will help us with the final project for this unit. 

Complete 1 of 2 options.
Option 1: 

Option 2: 

May 4

Homework: Complete 1 of 2 options: 

Option 1: Please write 5-7 sentences about how technology has changed our relationship with books and reading. Are we reading as much? What are books replaced with? Would you rather watch a movie instead? Why? Please look through the hand outs from today's class to help you justify your argument or opinion.
Option 2: Please list 5-7 ways that technology has changed our relationship with books and reading. Are we reading as much? What are books replaced with? Would you rather watch a movie instead? Why? Please look through the hand outs from today's class to help you justify your argument or opinion.

May 4--Parent Support

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1

Homework: Please complete 1 or 2 options.
Option 1: Please answer each question. 
Option 2: Please answer each question in two sentences or more with evidence from the text. 

July 17th

  1. Why do Steve and Kahty O’Brien talk about appeals even before the verdict is delivered?
  1. What verdict does the jury deliver?
a.       for King:
b.      for Steve:

  1. How does O’Brien react to Steve after the verdict is delivered?
  1. Why do you think that Steve chooses to end the movie in the way that she does?

 December 5th
  1. How has the trial and experience continued to affect Steve?