Tuesday, March 31, 2015

April 2

School is closed from April 3-April 10th. 
Have a great Spring break. 
You all deserve it.
See you back at GMHC on April 13th!!
Homework: Please complete 1 or 2 options.
Option 1: Please follow the directions and answer the statements according to how you view and feeling about things.
Option 2: Please complete option 1. In addition, provide a sentence explaining why you agree, disagree and have mixed feelings about the statement.
Directions: Put a (+) sign if you agree with the statement; a (-) sign if you disagree with the statement, and a (?) mark if you are unsure of your feelings OR have mixed feelings about the statement.
  1. Life is ten percent of how you make it and ninety percent of how you take it.
  2. The vast majority of people charged with a crime really are guilty.
  3. In order to be a healthy individual, we must openly confront our fears instead of hiding from them.
  4. The friends we choose and the people we hang out with are an accurate reflection of us.                                
  5. There is a difference between being acquitted of a crime and being innocent of a crime.     
  6. Lying to save yourself from being convicted of a crime is the right thing to do.
  7. If a teenager is charged with a serious crime, she or he should be tried as an adult.
  8. No matter what happens, you should take responsibility for your actions.
  9. The notion of right and wrong are always clearly defined.
  10. Peer pressure has a greater influence on us than our parents do.

April 1

Please click the above video to watch the author, Walter Dean Myers, discuss Monster.

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: Please write 3-5 sentences about the video include important details relating to the book.
Option 2: Please write 5-7 sentences about the video include important details relating to the book.

March 30

We watched a little of the movie today.

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: Please write 3-5 sentences highlighting the similarities between the Hot Zone and the movie.
Option 2:  Please write 5-7 sentences highlighting the similarities between the Hot Zone and the movie.

Friday, March 27, 2015

March 27

This happened yesterday, not too far from our school.

Below are images and the link to New York Times article:
Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options
Option 1: Please write 3-5 sentences summarizing the article and please include your thoughts about why it happened.
Option 2: Please write 5-7 sentences summarizing the article and please include your thoughts about why it happened.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26

Summer Youth deadline is approaching!!! Please bring in all your necessary documents and the application signed.

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

The worksheet below shows how it should be completed.
Option 1:  Please complete the worksheet. Answer the HOOK selection in 3-5 sentences.

Option 2: 
Please complete the worksheet. Answer the HOOK selection in 5-7 sentences.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25

CO-OP Parent-Teacher Conferences:
Wednesday, March 25 (5:00 PM-8:00 PM)
Friday, March 27 (12:30 PM-3:00 PM).
Afternoon classes not in session.
Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
Option 1: Please write 3-5 sentences about what your research topic is and explain why this interests you. Of course, the topic must be related to the Hot Zone.
Option 2: Please write 5-7 sentences about what your research topic is and explain why this interests you. Of course, the topic must be related to the Hot Zone.

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23

Congratulations on a good well-done with this unit on Global Interdependence utilizing the Hot Zone as the primary text. However, we still have a week left until next month's novel.

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: In 3-5 sentences, write about your favorite part of the novel and please explain why. Please include details from the book. 

Option 2: In 5-7 sentences, write about your favorite part of the novel and please explain why. Please include details from the book.

March 23--Parent Support

Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20


Congratulations everyone on a successful interview at Saxon and Parole!!! Everyone looked professional and ready with their tailored resumes. Today we learned many valuable lessons from each other and Chef Nicole whom conducted the interviews.

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Please reflect on the process and think about how you can improve on your next interview. HINT: think about the feedback and comments I gave to each individually.

Option 1: Please write 3-5 sentences reflecting on the events of the day.

Option 2: Please write 5-7 sentences reflecting on the events of the day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 18

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options. 
Please do a character analysis on the characters of the book and determine which level is the characters fit. Please explain your answers with evidence from the book. 

Option 1:Please answer the above questions in 3-5 sentences. 
Option 2: Please answer the above questions in 5-7 sentences.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 17

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options. 
Based on today's lesson and the discussion, where do you want to be at the end of the school year? Realistically, how can we reach this goal together? What do we need to do to get there? 

Option 1:Please answer the above questions in 3-5 sentences. Please in your explanation use the vocabulary in the pyramid. 
Option 2: Please answer the above questions in 5-7 sentences. Please in your explanation use the vocabulary in the pyramid. 

March 16--Parent Support

March 16

Homework: Please catch up with any missing homework. Report cards are due at the beginning of next week.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 13

Directions: Match the vocabulary words in 1-14 with the correct definition a-n. Write the letter of the correct definition on the line provided.

1._____________ Victorian      
2._____________ pathologist
3._____________ exploratory
4._____________ expatriate
5._____________ laryngoscope
6._____________ chronicled
7._____________ compulsive
8._____________ subsequent
9._____________ autopsy
10.____________ sullen
11.____________ malaria
12.____________ purview
13.____________ persuade
14.____________ verify

a.    An account of events arranged according to the order in which those events took place

b.    Coming or happening after; following

c.    Driven by an obsession

d.    To make sure of the truth or correctness of

e.    To remove from one’s native country or allegiance

f.     Silently showing anger

g.    A medical instrument used to examine the interior of the larynx

h.    A medical exam of a death body to find the cause of death

i.      A serious disease carried by mosquitoes that causes chills, fever, and seating

j.      Related to, inclined to, or for the purpose of exploration

k.    The sphere, extent, or scope of anything, such as authority or understanding

l.      The massive architecture and decoration of building in the mid to late 1800s in England

m.   To cause someone to do something through reasoning or arguing

n.    A scientist who studies the causes, nature and results of bodily diseases

March 12

Please select a character and complete a character analysis--please select a worksheet is complete the assignment.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11

Homework: Complete 1 of 2 options. 

Please view the video about the difference between Ebola and Marburg virus.  

Option 1: Using the two pieces of information provided above, please write five sentences how each character has contributed to the discovery or growth of the Ebola/Marburg virus. 

Option 2: Using the two pieces of information provided above, please list five ways each character has contributed to the discovery or growth of the Ebola/Marburg virus. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10

Good Afternoon Students,
  Please review the vocabulary from the previous lesson and the lesson today. After today's lesson, it was clear to me that we need to have a vocabulary test at the end of every unit. The increase of vocabulary has a direct effect to your reading ability.

Vocabulary words for today are delirious, atuopsy, unconscious, pathogens, and orifice.

Homework: Please write a sentence using the vocabulary words studied today.

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9

Good Afternoon Students,
  Please review the vocabulary from the previous lesson and the lesson today. After today's lesson, it was clear to me that we need to have a vocabulary test at the end of every unit. The increase of vocabulary has a direct effect to your reading ability.

Vocabulary words for today are delirious, atuopsy, unconscious, pathogens, and orifice.

Homework: Please write a sentence using the vocabulary words studied today.

March 9--Parent Suport

Friday, March 6, 2015

March 6

Great job everyone for all their efforts! Rest well! You all deserve it! 

Match the vocabulary words in 1-15 with the correct definition a-o. Write the letter of the correct definition on the line provided.

1._____________ classified      
2._____________ succumb
3._____________ pandemic
4._____________ investigation
5._____________ epidemic
6._____________ symptom
7._____________ plague
8._____________ primitive
9._____________ The Feudal System
10.____________ grotesque
11.____________ bacteria
12.____________ virus
13.____________ antibiotic
14.____________ vaccine
15.____________ nausea

a.    An outbreak of disease that spreads rapidly to many people

b.    Very small living things that you cannot see

c.    A deadly disease, sudden invasion of harmful insects, or any terrible thing that harms many people

d.    Of highly restricted availability

e.    To give in or give way to a fatal illness, superior force, overwhelming desire, or the like

f.     Having to do with an early stage or a condition that is not developed

g.    A tiny living thing that loves in other living things and causes diseases

h.    Something that happens in the body that shows that there is a disease or something wrong

i.      A sick feeling in the stomach with the need to vomit

j.      A medicine that can destroy or prevent the growth of disease and infection

k.    A political and economic system in Europe and Japan during the Middle Ages

l.      Of a disease, afflicting many individuals over a vast area, as a country or the world

m.   Germs of a disease that are dead or not active.

n.    A thorough search to get true information

o.    Ugly or badly shaped in character or appearance

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4

Good Afternoon Students,
    We spoke about the different levels of how agents are classified. For homework, I want you to compare and contrast HIV and Ebola.

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3

Today was looked at slide 1 and 2. We also looked at the modified text of Part One of The Hot Zone. We took notes and read "Something in the Forest." We were introduced to Charles Monet and his experience in Kitum Cave. Charles Monet begins to show symptoms that cannot be explained.  The following slides tells us more about Ebola. Please preview the remaining slides in preparation for tomorrow's lesson.

Homework: Complete 1 or 2 Options.

Option 1: Please used the modifies text handed out during class to identify & write 4 sentences of relevant information.

Option 2: Please used the modifies text handed out during class to identify & list 4 pieces of relevant information.

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2

Homework: Complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: As discussed during class today, what is the difference between relevant and irrelevant information. We discovered and defined the vocabulary word, RELEVANT, as important, to the point, and significant. IRRELEVANT as one of the student noticed is the opposite of relevant. We defined as garbage, trash, off the topic, and not important. Please create a T-chart (by folding your paper in half) and write 3 sentences of relevant and irrelevant information about Richard Preston as an author.

Option 2: 
RELEVANT is defined as important, to the point, and significant. IRRELEVANT is defined as garbage, trash, off the topic, and not important.
Please create a T-chart (by folding your paper in half) and list 3 things of relevant and irrelevant information about Richard Preston as an author.

Parent Teacher Conference Schedule

March 2--Evening Session from 5:30-8PM

March 3--Afternoon Session from 12:20-2:50PM

March 2--Parent Support