Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30

Please click on the highlighted link below to view a 
mini biography of this month's author, John Steinbeck.
Please click to view video summary of October novel, 
Of Mice & Men

Homework: Please preview the material and be ready to participate in the readers circle. 


Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29

Please view the video to assist you with your homework tonight

Homework: Please use the homework assigned over the Rosh Hashanah weekend and the video to help you put an essay together. We will share our essays for class tomorrow. 

September 29--Parent Support

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
1.What positive discovery does Junior make about himself?

2. How does Junior demonstrate he is gaining self confidence in class?

3. Who defends Junior against the teacher? 

4. What is different about how the teacher treats Gordy?

5. Why is getting to/from school so difficult for Junior?  How does he   handle it? (look @ comic picture)

Option 1: Please answer 3 of the 5 questions above. 
Option 2: Please answer all five questions above. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 18

Tears of a Clown, 
Slouching Toward Thanksgiving
Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
1)What is the positive lesson Junior takes away from his Trick-or-Treat experience?

2)What positive discovery does Junior make about himself?
3)How does Junior demonstrate he is gaining self confidence in class?
4)Where does Junior’s sister go? With whom?  Why is this unusual?  What is Junior’s opinion about her decision?

Option 1: Please answer 1 of the 2 questions above. 
Option 2: Please answer all two questions above. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 17

Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice
Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
Do you agree with what Junior's grandmother said about Roger? Please explain your answer.

Look back at page 61-62 (The unofficial and unwritten Spokane Indian Rules of Fisticuffs), can you relate to these rules. Explain whether you do or don't.

Option 1: Please answer 1 of the 2 questions above. 

Option 2: Please answer all two questions above. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 16

How to Fight Monsters

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.

Option 1: Please explain the drawing above. Explain why Junior feels this way and writing when you have felt this way. 

Option 2: Please draw a picture of yourself and label (as Junior has in the picture above) what each item represent to you. Also, write 5 sentences of a time when you have felt the way Junior when entering into Reardan. 

September 15

Rowdy Sings the Blues
Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
1) How does Rowdy react to Junior's news? Does Rowdy support it? Does he think Junior is crazy? Please explain why.
2) What does Junior mean when he said "I don't know if hope is white" (page 51)? Do you agree with him? If you do or don't, please explain your answer. 
3) Why do you think Junior felt that his "best friend had become [his] worst enemy"? 

Option 1: Please answer 2 of the three questions above. 

Option 2: Please answer all three questions above. 

September 15--Parent Support

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 12

Chapter 6: Go means Go

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options
1) So far, who has hope in the novel? How and why do they exhibit hope?
2) Where is Junior going to school? Why? 
3) Please make a text to self connection with what is happening to Junior. Have you left a school for another school? How did you feel? Can you relate to Junior? If so, how.

Option 1: Answer any 2 questions.

Option 2: Answer all 3 questions. 

**Please remember to answer each part of the questions. 

September 11

Chapter 5: Hope Against Hope

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options
1) What did Junior do to Mr. P? Why did Junior do it? 
2) How did Mr. P and Junior feel about what happened? 
3) What kind of information did Junior find out that he never knew before? 
4) What and why does Mr. P suggest to Junior about the "rez"?

Option 1: Answer any 2-3 questions.

Option 2: Answer all 4 questions. 

**Please remember to answer each part of the questions. 

September 10

Chapter 4: Because Geometry is not a 
Country Somewhere near France

Homework: Please complete 1 of 2 options.
1)What happened to Junior’s sister Mary after she graduated?
2)What incident sets Junior off during his geometry class?
3)Choose 1 of Juniors drawings(Mary or Mr. P), what sorts of clues can you pick up about their character based on the picture? 

Option 1: Please answer any 2 of the 3 questions.  
Option 2: Please answer all 3 questions.